Argas KSA Project
SOFTWARE: Illustrator, WordPress
SERVICES: Branding, Web Design
WEBSITE: argas.com
01. The Challenge
In the fast-paced world of technology and data acquisition, staying relevant is not just a choice but a necessity. Argas, a leading player in the data acquisition sector, recently embarked on a challenging journey of rebranding to shed its old skin and embrace a modern, forward-thinking identity.
The decision to rebrand was swift, and the clock began ticking loudly. Argas set an ambitious goal: to transform its brand identity within a mere month. A task that seemed insurmountable to many in the industry.
02. The Solution
To meet this deadline, Argas Requested a dedicated team of creative minds, including graphic designers, marketing experts, and brand strategists. The team’s diversity mirrored the diverse range of services Argas offered, ensuring a comprehensive and nuanced approach to the rebranding process.
Arts2Art was just the right agency to handle the task, from communication to consultation their team were just on the spot we needed .. – SAAD ALAKEEL/CEO-